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Policy Comparison: Kami Evans vs. Ceci Maher 


This highlights the stark contrasts between Republican State Senate candidate Kami Evans, who is cross-endorsed by the Independent Party, and Democratic incumbent Ceci Maher. It focuses on key policy differences, emphasizing the potential negative impacts of Maher’s positions on Connecticut's District 26. 


1. Fiscal Responsibility and Economic Growth

Kami Evans (Republican, Cross-Endorsed by the Independent Party)

Position: Evans champions fiscal conservatism, advocating for strict budget discipline, reducing government waste, and lowering taxes to stimulate economic growth. She prioritizes small businesses and families by pushing for tax relief and opposing any measures that would increase financial burdens. 


Key Points: Committed to reducing taxes, particularly for middle-class families and small businesses. - Advocates for smaller government and eliminating unnecessary spending. - Believes in fostering economic growth through lower taxes and business-friendly policies. 


Ceci Maher (Democrat) 

Position: Maher has consistently supported increased state spending on expansive social programs, which are funded through higher taxes on residents and businesses. This approach risks driving away businesses and would overburden taxpayers, particularly in an already high-tax state like Connecticut.


Key Points: Supports higher taxes to fund large-scale social programs, which would further strain families and businesses economically. - Advocates for expanding government’s role in everyday life, increasing bureaucratic costs. - Her policies would discourage business investment and economic growth in District 26 [oai_citation:8,Ceci Maher - Connecticut Senator Democrat - Bill Sponsor]( [oai_citation:7,Sen. Ceci Maher | Connecticut 2024 | TrackBill]( 


2. Local Control over Zoning and Education


Kami Evans (Republican, Cross-Endorsed by the Independent Party)

Position: Evans staunchly defends local control over zoning and education, opposing state mandates that strip communities of their decision-making power. She believes that local leaders and parents know best when it comes to their schools and neighborhoods. 


Key Points: Opposes state overreach in local zoning and education decisions. - Advocates for parents' rights and local school boards' autonomy. - Strongly against one-size-fits-all mandates that ignore local needs. 


Ceci Maher (Democrat)

Position: Maher has supported state-imposed zoning and education policies that undermine local control, forcing communities to comply with mandates that may not align with their unique needs. Her approach would erode the autonomy of local governments, leading to uniformity over local solutions. 


Key Points: Supports state-level zoning and education mandates, reducing local control. - Advocates for policies that centralize decision-making in Hartford, potentially ignoring local concerns. - Her stance would lead to increased dissatisfaction among residents who feel their voices are being silenced by state overreach [oai_citation:6,Ceci Maher - Connecticut Senator Democrat - Bill Sponsor](


3. Public Safety and Law Enforcement 


Kami Evans (Republican, Cross-Endorsed by the Independent Party)

Position: Evans is a strong supporter of law enforcement, opposing efforts to defund the police or reduce their effectiveness. She believes that public safety is non-negotiable and that strong, well-funded police forces are essential for safe communities. 


Key Points: Supports increasing resources and funding for law enforcement. - Opposes any measures that weaken police departments or reduce public safety. - Advocates for a tough-on-crime approach to protect District 26 residents. 


Ceci Maher (Democrat) 

Position: Maher has endorsed various police reform measures that would weaken law enforcement’s ability to maintain public safety. By supporting reallocations of police funding and imposing stricter oversight, Maher would undermine the effectiveness of police departments at a time when crime rates are a growing concern. - Key Points:- Supports reallocating police funding, which would diminish law enforcement capabilities. - Advocates for reforms that would lead to less effective policing and increased crime. - Her approach would make communities less safe and erode public trust in law enforcement [oai_citation:5,Ceci Maher - Connecticut Senator Democrat - Bill Sponsor]( 


4. Energy and Environmental Policy


Kami Evans (Republican, Cross-Endorsed by the Independent Party)

Position: Evans supports balanced environmental policies that protect the environment without imposing heavy costs on businesses and consumers. She advocates for reducing regulatory burdens and promoting affordable energy solutions, such as expanding natural gas infrastructure. 


Key Points: Opposes over-regulation that drives up energy costs. - Supports expanding natural gas and other affordable energy sources. - Believes in achieving environmental goals without sacrificing economic growth. 


Ceci Maher (Democrat)

Position: Maher has pushed for aggressive environmental policies that often result in higher costs for businesses and consumers. These regulations would increase energy prices, making it harder for families to afford basic utilities and for businesses to remain competitive. - 


Key Points: Supports stringent environmental regulations that would increase costs. - Advocates for policies that would make energy more expensive and hurt local economies. - Her stance would lead to higher utility bills and reduced economic competitiveness for District 26 [oai_citation:4,Ceci Maher - Connecticut Senator Democrat - Bill Sponsor]( 


5. Opposition to Unfunded Mandates


Kami Evans (Republican, Cross-Endorsed by the Independent Party)

Position: Evans is vehemently against unfunded state mandates that impose financial burdens on local municipalities, leading to higher property taxes. She fights for legislation that protects towns from these costly requirements. 


Key Points: Opposes state mandates that increase local taxes and strain municipal budgets. - Advocates for protecting local governments from state overreach. - Committed to preventing unfunded mandates that would lead to financial hardship for residents. 


Ceci Maher (Democrat)

Position: Maher’s support for expansive state programs often comes with the risk of unfunded mandates that force local governments to absorb additional costs. These mandates would lead to higher property taxes and reduced services, which disproportionately affect middle and lower-income residents. 


Key Points: Supports state programs that would include unfunded mandates. - Risks increasing property taxes and cutting essential local services. - Her policies would place a significant financial strain on District 26 residents [oai_citation:3,Ceci Maher - Connecticut Senator Democrat - Bill Sponsor](


6. Government Transparency and Accountability 


Kami Evans (Republican, Cross-Endorsed by the Independent Party)

Position: Evans prioritizes transparency and accountability in government, advocating for open records and clear communication with the public. She believes in streamlining government operations to reduce waste and ensure taxpayers’ money is used effectively. 


Key Points: Advocates for increased transparency in government spending.  Supports streamlining government to reduce waste and improve efficiency. - Committed to ensuring taxpayer money is used responsibly. 


Ceci Maher (Democrat)

Position: While Maher claims to support transparency, her push for expansive state programs would lead to bureaucratic complexity, making it harder for the public to track spending and government efficiency. This complexity would obscure how taxpayer money is spent and reduce accountability. 


Key Points: Supports expanding government programs that would increase complexity and reduce transparency. - Risks creating more bureaucratic layers that would make government less accountable. - Her policies would lead to increased waste and reduced oversight [oai_citation:2,Ceci Maher - Connecticut Senator Democrat - Bill Sponsor](


7. Veterans’ Support


Kami Evans (Republican, Cross-Endorsed by the Independent Party)

Position: Evans is deeply committed to supporting veterans, advocating for policies that enhance their access to healthcare, education, and employment opportunities. She prioritizes veterans in her legislative agenda, ensuring they receive the benefits and respect they deserve. 


Key Points: Strong advocate for expanding veterans' benefits and services. - Supports legislation that improves veterans' access to state resources. - Prioritizes the needs of veterans in her policy proposals. 


Ceci Maher (Democrat)

Position: While Maher has supported some veterans’ initiatives, her broader agenda includes policies that would limit the scope of veterans’ programs due to competing priorities. Her fiscal policies would potentially divert funds away from veterans' services, impacting their quality and availability. 


Key Points: Supports veterans but would limit services due to broader fiscal policies. - May prioritize other social programs over veterans' benefits. - Her policies would reduce the focus on veterans in state legislation [oai_citation:1,Ceci Maher - Connecticut Senator Democrat - Bill Sponsor](


Conclusion: Ceci Maher’s record reflects a pattern of supporting expansive government intervention, higher taxes, reduced local control, and policies that would weaken public safety, transparency, and economic growth. In contrast, Kami Evans, who is cross-endorsed by the Independent Party, advocates for smaller government, lower taxes, strong local control, and policies that enhance public safety, economic growth, and veterans' support. This comparison clearly shows that Maher’s approach would impose significant burdens on District 26, while Evans offers a path toward fiscal responsibility and effective governance.


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